How Our Mood Board Demonstrates The Tone Of Our Film
The Moon Board clearly demonstrates our ideas through the eerie, sinister and dark rooms and isolated derelict buildings. The idea can easily be visualised by a main photo of the girl held hostage in a chair with a man standing behind her, we chose this photo in order to allow the viewers to gain the idea that this film will not be a romantic comedy but a dark thriller. Through the dark nature of the whole moon board and the name the crypt we know for a fact this film will be emphasising an absolute terror and nightmare.
Furthermore, the moon board help strengthen the narrative of the film I aim to get across with the isolated rooms and chairs this should insinuate to the audience the torturing aspect of the film. Also, the girl should further orchestrate the vulnerability in the film and how everything is not as it's seen.
Lastly, the tone of the mood board is supposed to be somber, creepy and strange and I believe the mood board does this. The sub-genre of our thriller is crime/horror and the tone of the mood board ticks the criteria of the sub-genre and therefore explains to the audience why were using the props and location we are.
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