Different Types Of Title Sequences Used In Films

On a title sequence you would expect the following to occur:

-The name of the film 
-An understanding of the tone/atmosphere of the film 
-Narrative information 
- Introduce some/all of the characters 
-A sense of the films genre 
-Actors names 
-Establish a sense of  location 

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo:

The name of the film. There is also a Sense that the film will be fast paced and action packed. The intense music also insinuates that the film will be serious. The black and white opening suggests this will be a dark eerie film. There's a Sense that the film will be a thriller as someone is being tied up. There are Mouths being covered with ropes and tied up insinuating the thriller action genre. The inference from Leeds and the keyboard could evoke thoughts that this film could be linked with technology. The women is powerful as she rises to a Phoenix. There is a Sexual relationship within the film as there were two people kissing. The intensity of the non-diegetic music and the dark sinister colours suggests the film is psychological and ultimately a thriller. It is Set in a dark location as no colours, the water could suggest it's set by an ocean and the fire could demonstrate the action of the film. The mini film is a Discrete tile sequence 

The discrete title sequence:

- A mini film that starts before a movie and allows the audience to get in the mood. 
-It is Often animated and includes a lot of editing work and gives off very little about the film. 
- E.g The girl with the dragon tattoo 

Traditional Title Sequence:

- Still quite stylised but goes straight into the beginning of the film 
- In this type of title sequence films use sounds and font alongside the images to create the mood of the film 
-e.g Drive 


In the drive the non diegetic music is very electrifying with the clothes of the actor adding to the 1990s feel. The font of the films reflects that of an American dinner where many people go when they are rather lonely creating a mysterious character in the opening sequence. Also they track the guy presenting that he's the main character but he's seen only alone demonstrating again his loneliness 

Straight Into The Film Title Sequence:

- A film that goes straight into the story and doesn't have an extra title sequence 
- A very good example of this is Wes Cravens scream. 
- There are no fouled at all and the film starts directly with the action of the opening scene 
- This type of title sequence is far less commonplace and is more likely to be seen in action or horror 

The Stylised Title Sequence: 

- A combination of straight into it and discrete 
- The film goes straight into the action but it is intersperse with titles at the same time 
- This creates a mood for the film 
- The combinations of sound and editing are vitally important in this tilts sequence as they create meaning for the audience on the film 


This is a Stylised title sequence as it goes straight into the film with titles interpolated with it. The non- diegetic tense music along with various different camera angles adds suspense and tension towards the film. This ultimately creates a mood for the rest of the film of a sinister nature 
