Synthetic and Organic artists

Keith Negus- creative in the music industry

Ideologies of creativity
Keith Negus- producing pop

Identifies two distinct ways of thinking about potential artists from within the music industry. These ideologies shape the way in which the artists images and careers are developed and the way that they are marketed specific target audiences

- The organic ideology of creativity -  Rolling stones
- The synthetic ideology of creativity - The Vamps

Organic Ideology of creativity
- A 'naturalistic' approach to artists
- Seeds of success are within the artists
- The image go the artist is 'enhanced' by the record company
- The artists is even time to progress through their career
- Emphasis is given to the album sales and construction of a successful back catalogue
- Often aimed at an older audience
- Profits are generated long term
- e.g Ed Sheeran

Synthetic Ideology of creativity
- A combinatorial approach to artists and material
- Executives attempt to construct successful acts out of the artists and the songs at their disposal
- The image of the artist is vote constructed by the record company
- The artist will be given a short time to prove their success before other combinations will be tried out
- Emphasis is given to single sales and to promoting first albums
- Often aimed to younger audiences
- Profits are made short term
- E.g Justin Bieber, Rhianna, Elvis
