These interviews demonstrate how our idea relates to the music video and that the settings we have chosen coincides with our idea. Further more they understand that our target audience is for teenagers who can relate to our music video connoting how important it is for us to appeal to our target audiences. Overall the feedback was very positive and many people said they would watch the video if it was released. Also Parties can be notoriously hard to film and can look dull if your not involved. The Song is sung from a females perspective thus doesn't quite make sense. The problem with this is that the hip-hop genre in a white middle-class school can prove to be difficult. As well as this, prisons are going to be incredibly hard to film in, or something similar to that. There are too many lyrics for an individual to learn, which could hinder the quality of the video as it may be too hard to lip sync in time with the music. So therefore, as a group we were forced to go back to drawing-board.
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