Analysing Similar Artists- Snakeships

Music Video:

This duo is similar to our artist as they produce music that relates to real life situations. However, they do this through beats that people can dance to or sing along with. Snakehips are a British electronic music duo. The line-up consists of Oliver Lee and James Carter. Snakehips made their name with Hype Machine doing remixes for Banks, The Weekndand Wild Belle. They are best known for their 2015 single, "All My Friends".

Their music video has many similarities to our working progress. Firstly, the story line is based around a girl who is having domestic problems. In their music videos her problems are caused due to her relationship problems but the lyrics connote that it is in fact her fault. This relates to our music video as the storyline signifies the fact that our actress is having serious problems and doesn't know how to deal with it, therefore contemplating suicide. Both music videos also show the actress going through a varying number of emotions whilst they struggle to find the cause of their problems. We can see in Snakehips music video of "Don't Leave" that the two actors struggle to maintain a consistent emotion and use drugs and violence to get over the pain. Furthermore, this is similar to our music video as our actress is seen smoking and drinking alcohol throughout the music video. Whilst doing this she is shown to be upset and enjoying herself as she wonders through the city all alone.

CD Cover:

In addition their CD cover is very similar to what we want to produce. This is due to the girl being seated alone looking very solemnly, hoping for someone to turn up. This relates to our CD cover where our actress/singer is by herself looking homeless and lost, highlighting what our music video is about. Furthermore, the CD cover is full of bright colours that can be known as 'girly' demonstrating how the cover is based around the girls story. This is what we want to create with our CD cover. To add to this the front cover says the artist's name in bold writing across the centre of the page. This shows the artists wants sell themselves due to there not being an image of the artist on our cover. Although there is an image of our artist on our front cover we still want to make sure we can sell the artist and her name on the front of the cover.
